ABD Göç Hizmetleri: Business Sector

Thriving Business Sectors Creating Many New Jobs

There are many industries in the United States thriving and adding new jobs

A new report released by Fundera rated the sectors according to the stock market ten-year gain, the forecasted US job growth from 2016 to 2026, and the forecasted revenue growth. The small-business financial solutions company analyzed information from market research firms, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and investment firms to compile the results. The technology sector outpaced all other sectors “across the board” in Fundera’s report. The world of companies that refer to themselves as tech firms have grown exponentially.

If you are considering relocating to the US for a new opportunity, contact ABD Göç Hizmetleri. Their team has a mission to help anyone successfully participate in the American Diversity Visa Lottery and receive a US Green Card. 

The health sector, ranking second, acquires one-fourth of the total venture capital investments. The forecasted US job growth from 2016 to 2026 is 121 percent and the industry saw a 10-year stock market gain of 185.31 percent. The energy sector, including oil and gas, fracking, mining, and sustainable energy, is set to see revenue increase over eight percent during the next ten years, according to Fundera’s report. The media industry ranked fourth with a 1.8 percent forecasted revenue growth. The report ranked consumer retail as fifth. This industry includes e-commerce, pop-up retailers, and personalized retail.

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Forecast for American Jobs Market Growth Between 2016 - 2026

There are many opportunities for you and your family in the United States. If you are considering applying for the Green Card Lottery, contact ABD Göç Hizmetleri. Their team of experts will walk you through each stage of the application process. Call them today!

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