An Afghan refugee spent his first Thanksgiving meal explaining what turkey is to his children. Wahidullah Asghary was a translator and interpreter for the US military in his homeland before coming to the US on a Special Immigrant Visa. He arrived with his four children, and his wife came five months later. Thanksgiving Day was the first time they were invited into an American household to experience Thanksgiving. Kiki Nagy, the host, joined a group that helps refugee families settle in the United States. Over 20 refugee families were enrolled with Miry’s List during the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. The organization is planning to assist over 300 families next year. If you have questions about the visa you need to live and work in the United States, contact ABD Göç Hizmetleri.

Nagy wanted to host a family for their first Thanksgiving celebration in America. She served turkey, potatoes, spinach, and cranberry sauce. To make the family feel at home, she also made a halal lamb. Nagy was eager to show the family the tradition of giving thanks. Asghary has many things to be thankful for. He was happy his wife could join them before the chaotic exit in August happened as the US troops withdrew from the country. There are many opportunities for families in the United States. If you and your family are considering relocating to the US, contact ABD Göç Hizmetleri. Their team will answer questions you have about the immigration process.