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ABD Göç Hizmetleri - Jobs seekers

US Job Seekers Have 11 Million Openings to Choose From

Job vacancies in the United States unexpectedly grew to 11 million, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It is a much higher number than the 10.4 million predicted by economists. Leisure and hospitality showed the largest increase of jobs in the USA, especially in the hotel and food services sector.The fast jump in demand …

US Job Seekers Have 11 Million Openings to Choose From Read More »

ABD Göç Hizmetleri - thanks giving with family

American Family Invites Afghan Refugees for Thanksgiving

An Afghan refugee spent his first Thanksgiving meal explaining what turkey is to his children. Wahidullah Asghary was a translator and interpreter for the US military in his homeland before coming to the US on a Special Immigrant Visa. He arrived with his four children, and his wife came five months later. Thanksgiving Day was …

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thanksgivind ABD Göç Hizmetleri

Afghan Refugees Celebrate Thanksgiving in Los Angeles

Miry’s List, an organization based out of Southern California, helps refugee families get settled in their new homes. In August, while the U.S. troops were in the process of withdrawing from Afghanistan, Miry’s List helped five times the number of families the month previous. Next year, the prediction is they will be assisting over 300 …

Afghan Refugees Celebrate Thanksgiving in Los Angeles Read More »

ABD -quitting job

US Workers Are So Confident, They’re Quitting Their Jobs

The number of US workers quitting their jobs in August reached a record 4.3 million, showing the leverage workers have in the economy. Close to three percent of the American workforce quit in August, up from July’s 2.7 percent, according to the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey. This is the highest quit rate since …

US Workers Are So Confident, They’re Quitting Their Jobs Read More »

Foreign Students Are Moving to the USA for a Quality Education

The United States has always been known for its top-class education and has been the envy of the world. As the global middle class has grown, aspirational students from all corners of the world have come to the US to earn their college degree. They not only wanted an English-language education, but they also wanted …

Foreign Students Are Moving to the USA for a Quality Education Read More »


Extremely Strong Economic Growth Predicted for America

Economic growth in the United States is in for another big boost in the second quarter, as more areas of the economy most impacted by the Covid-19 crisis reopen. The service industry has never led the US into a recession and there has never been so much stimulus money applied to boost the economy. As …

Extremely Strong Economic Growth Predicted for America Read More »

ABD Göç Hizmetleri

American Economy May Grow Fastest Since 1984

The United States economy is gaining steam, fueled by the lifting of health safety restrictions, help from the US government, and the quick rollout of vaccines. The Federal Reserve is adding massive amounts of stimulus into the economy, along with record-low interest rates and billions of dollars of monthly bond purchases. Trillions of dollars of …

American Economy May Grow Fastest Since 1984 Read More »

Abd Goc Hizmetleri: Resturants

First Successful US Restaurants Started by Immigrants

Some of the first successful restaurants in the United States were opened by immigrants. Cecilia Chiang, a Chinese-American restaurateur and chef, founded and managed the Mandarin restaurant in San Francisco, California. She blazed a trail for Chinese cuisine in the US. She didn’t invent high-end Chinese food, but is the first person to retail it …

First Successful US Restaurants Started by Immigrants Read More »

Abd Goc Hizmetleri: Economy

How Do the World’s Largest Economies Compare?

The pre-pandemic global economy was close to $88 trillion The different region’s economic situations vary around the world depending on the level of development, the stimulus packages made available, the country’s efforts to contain it, and the industry types. The impact was felt hardest on low-income households and threaten to unravel thirty years of progress …

How Do the World’s Largest Economies Compare? Read More »