Data and Stats


Extremely Strong Economic Growth Predicted for America

Economic growth in the United States is in for another big boost in the second quarter, as more areas of the economy most impacted by the Covid-19 crisis reopen. The service industry has never led the US into a recession and there has never been so much stimulus money applied to boost the economy. As …

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Abd Goc Hizmetleri: Latino

US Economy Gets Powerful Boost from Latino-Owned Businesses

The United States’ small business growth has been turbocharged with the Latino contingent Close to 4.4 million Latino-owned businesses contribute over $700 billion to the American economy yearly. The U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce reported that Latino-owned companies have seen a 31.6 percent increase over the past six years, doubling the growth rate of the …

US Economy Gets Powerful Boost from Latino-Owned Businesses Read More »

Abd Goc Hizmetleri: Booming Economy

It’s Hard to Compete with America’s Booming Economy

Countries are having a hard time keeping up with the United States’ booming economy The annual Global Competitiveness Report evaluated 140 countries on 98 factors that look at productivity and business investment. Each factor is put into 12 main categories of productivity which include the country’s institutions, infrastructure, market size, education system, tech savvy, and …

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Abd Goc Hizmetleri: Chicago

Best Places for Immigrants to Live in America

Cities in America, specifically the midwestern region, have the most opportunities for immigrant communities Chicago is setting the standard and leading the nation in this area, according to a recent report by New American Economy. The bipartisan research group studied how the 100 largest cities in the US are supporting immigrants. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot …

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2019 Nobel Prizes Awarded to Immigrants Living in the USA

Almost 40 percent of Nobel Prizes in Chemistry, Physics, and Medicine since 2000 were awarded to immigrants living in the United States. Two immigrants earned Nobel Prizes, one in physics and one in chemistry in 2019. The awards show how immigrants make important noneconomic contributions to the US, according to research by the National Foundation …

2019 Nobel Prizes Awarded to Immigrants Living in the USA Read More »